Trump reinstated the Global Gag Rule on January 24, 2025. PAI monitors the situation in real-time and will update the website as we learn more. Please check back soon for more information about what this second iteration of the policy means for people worldwide. Help power PAI’s fight against the GGR.
Understanding the Impact - The Global Gag Rule
Trump reinstated the Global Gag Rule on January 24, 2025. PAI monitors the situation in real-time and will update the website as we learn more. Please check back soon for more information about what this second iteration of the policy means for people worldwide. Help power PAI’s fight against the GGR.
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Understanding the Impact

The Global Gag Rule has devastating effects on GlobalHealth. In Uganda, it has forced a trusted provider to end a contraceptive program to 6,000 youth. Noncompliance with the expanded Global Gag Rule comes at a steep cost to organizations and the communities in which they operate, with critical services being lost or scaled back. Trump’s expanded policy not only undermines the effectiveness and efficiency of U.S. investments in global health, but it has the potential to roll back progress made in improving health outcomes for women, girls and communities in Uganda.